Haunting Obsession Blog Tour
Welcome to Wickedly Bookish's stop on the Haunting Obsession Blog Tour! I"m really excited about this book. The illustrations are gorgeous and the excerpt I have for you made me laugh out loud. Enjoy!
Welcome to Wickedly Bookish's stop on the Haunting Obsession Blog Tour! I"m really excited about this book. The illustrations are gorgeous and the excerpt I have for you made me laugh out loud. Enjoy!
Haunting Obsession
R.J. Sullivan
Genre: Paranormal thriller
“She wants to be loved by you…alone!”
Daryl Beasley collects all things Maxine Marie, whose famous
curves and fast lifestyle made her a Hollywood icon for decades after her tragic
death. Daryl’s girlfriend, Loretta Stevens, knew about his geeky lifestyle when
they started dating, but she loves him, quirks and all.
Then one day Daryl chooses to buy a particularly tacky piece
of memorabilia instead of Loretta’s birthday present. Daryl ends up in the
doghouse, not only with Loretta, but with Maxine Marie herself. The legendary
blonde returns from the dead to give Daryl a piece of her mind—and a haunting
obsession he’ll never forget.
has spent over a day with the ghost Maxine Marie. He's just finished vomiting
and starting to realize that Maxine may be hazardous to his health. In the
meantime, Loretta, Daryl's long-time girlfriend, has just figured out there may
be another woman and is on her way to confront him.
This except has been edited for content, both for
self-contained clarity and to keep it a family show.
helped Daryl back to the dining room table. Daryl said, “Whatever I caught,
I’ve never felt like this before. If this is a flu bug, it’s a nasty one.”
handed him a damp washcloth, and he dabbed at his face, trying to recover some
sort of dignity after that messy display.
spoke the next thought that entered his mind. “Maybe this is some sort of …
ghost venereal disease.”
know, like, a virus you get from having sex, but something from the ghost
world.” Blinking through a watery scrim, he couldn’t quite read her blurry
But her
tone communicated her dismissal just fine. “Don’t be ridiculous, Daryl.”
shook his head. “So says the ghost of Maxine Marie standing in my dining room?
We passed ridiculous in the rearview mirror some time ago, hon.”
didn’t catch a disease from me.”
scoffed. “How do you know that?
Ghosts don’t come with free handbooks, you said. We don’t know the rules. You
said that yourself.”
be cruel, Daryl.”
Easy for her to say. She’s not the sick one. Daryl pressed, “How do we know
you’re not emitting some sort of paranormal radiation that’s making me sick?”
shot to her feet, sending her chair sprawling across the floor behind her. She
swiped her hand at the table.
by the power of Maxine’s mind, Daryl’s plate flew across the room and bounced
off the far wall.
glared at him. “Oh how typical. You don’t want to understand me, so it’s my
fault! That’s cruel, Daryl. All you need is some food and some fresh air and
you’ll be fine. You don’t have to be cruel.”
“I’m not
being …” As he looked over, the waterworks had already started in the corners
of her eyes. She’s trying to manipulate me again. In his anger, he gave voice to
his frustration. “It’s like talking to an eight-year-old!”
“What did you just say to me!”

pulled him close, face to face, his vision dominated by her look of cruelty,
her eyes flashing anger. “Don’t you ever
say anything like that to me again,
Mister!” Her hot breath spat in his face with each sneered syllable.
What the hell is she doing? His teeth
rattled, and he forced words from his mouth as his body jerked and danced out
of control. “Stop! Maxine, stop!”
hurting me …” No sympathy in her eyes, no mercy in her touch. The energy charge
built up, grew more intense. And he knew she wouldn’t stop. For the first time,
he feared her.
sorry! Maxine, I’m sorry! Stop!”
The pain
subsided, and Daryl dropped where she released him.
He found
himself slumped over the table, the cold washcloth once again pressed against
his neck. He realized he must have passed out, but her body pressed against
his, fingers caressing, her voice whispering, trying to offer futile comfort.
“I’m sorry, Baby; I don’t know what came over me. I’m so sorry, please get
better Daryl, please, I’m so sorry …”
failed him. The shock of what just happened, the real danger she now posed if
he spoke out against her, frightened him into silence. Instead, he reached out
and patted her hand, the irony that he comforted her after what she had done
was not lost on him. But what else could he do?
continued in a chastising tone. “It’s just … you sounded just like all the
others before they’d leave me.”
“When I
was still alive. Before someone would leave, they’d belittle me, call me a
child, and walk out the door. And I was helpless to stop them. And I’d be
…” He closed his eyes and counted slowly to five before he spoke. “What was
that you just did to me?”
“I don’t
know, but isn’t it delicious?” As he
watched, her expression changed from sympathy to the look of someone very
pleased with herself. “These things keep happening. I think I’m getting more
powerful, Daryl. By the hour. By the minute!”
you need to control that … power, whatever it is.”
“Oh, I’m
okay now; I just sort of lost my head for a minute. But let’s find you
something to eat.”
doorbell rang.
glared at Daryl. “Who is it?”
shrugged. “I have no idea, Maxine.” He rose from the chair. His legs wobbled,
but held him. He took a first step forward, and was relieved to find he could
still walk.
are you doing?”
answering the door.”
“But you
can’t! Then you’ll want to leave me again!”
“I’m not
going to––”
Beasley you open this door this minute or I’m coming in after you!” A wave of
guilt and shock at hearing Loretta’s angry bellow froze him mid-step. His mind
went blank at the sound of her hurt and anger. “And I had better not find what I think
I’m going to find!”
Maxine hissed.
found his voice and called out. “Wait, Loretta, I’m coming, don’t …” And he heard the telltale metal rattling of
the doorknob as a key inserted into it. Oh...she's
using her copy of the key!
The door
flew open, and Loretta stood in the doorway, murder in her eyes.
Daryl found the strength to step forward and lurch toward her. “Loretta, go
now,” he pleaded.
focused on Daryl, and her expression changed from anger to shock. “Oh, Daryl,
my God, what happened to you?” She started toward him.
Then she
saw the other figure in the room, and all sympathy vanished from her face.
features reflected sadness personified. “Oh … I see. Oh, Daryl, you really are pathetic, aren’t you?”
flailed his hands. “Loretta, it’s not what you think–”
you sleep with her?”
blunt question stopped him. “Loretta, that’s … kind of beside the point right
now …”
if you are, I’d say it’s pretty much exactly
what I think!”
About the Author
R. J. Sullivan resides with his family in Heartland
Crossing, Indiana. His first novel, Haunting Blue, is an edgy paranormal
thriller about punk girl loner Fiona "Blue" Shaefer and her boyfriend
Chip Farren. R.J. is hard at work on the next chapter in Fiona's story, Virtual
Blue, coming soon from Seventh Star Press.
R.J. is a member of the Indiana Horror Writers.
Connect with R.J.
Website: http://www.rjsullivanfiction.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/R.J.SullivanAuthor
Twitter: @RJSullivanAuthr
1 comment:
Fabulous, thanks for having me!
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