Dead Hot Summer

DeadHotSummer Alt
Welcome my Wicked Darlings to Wickedly Bookish's very first signature event inspired by my friend and fellow Goodreads reviewer Wigs. Thanks so much for the help! Dead Hot Summer is a themed content event and challenge that dares you to delve into entertainment featuring the delightfully dead and undead creatures we have come to know and love. This summer, why not ditch that fluffy beach read and sink your teeth into some dead hot fiction?

There are two parts to this summer long event.

Dead Hot Summer Content Lineup
During the months of June, July, and August, you can expect to find daily dead hot content to feed the need! Subscribe to stay up to date with book and movie reviews, virtual tours, author interviews and guest posts, giveaways, True Blood updates, and much much more. 

Dead Hot Summer 2012 Reading Challenge & Giveaway
Join us this summer by challenging yourself to adding some deadly spice to your reading list. 

Challenge Details
Duration: June 1st - August 31st

Sign Up: Any time during the challenge period by linking your initial post to the Linky below. Bloggers, please include the event/challenge button on the sidebar of your blog so that others can join in too!

Genre: Must be death related i.e. horror, science fiction, dystopia, apocalypse/post-apocalypse

Other Qualifying Elements: This is not a zombie exclusive event! Books for this challenge can fit other genres as long as they include a dead, undead, or death related  character i.e. necromancer, god of death, angel of death etc. Zombie, vampires, ghosts, and the like all count. Non-fiction books about death related subjects also count. Be creative in your choices and have fun!

Giveaway: At the end of June and July active participants can enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card or Book Depository credit (each month) through the Rafflecopter in Wickedly Bookish's monthly update post. The prize will be awarded to one lucky reader. Active participants who make it through August can enter to win a Dead Hot Summer themed mystery prize pack the same way. More info and hints as to the contents in August! To be considered an active participant you must follow the guidelines below and post at least a monthly update of your progress in your location of choice. As long as we can find it, you're in! More details on where and how to post below.

Choose A Level:
  1. A Dead Simmer: 1 - 5 books: A sampling of what the dead have to offer for beginners or those on a busy schedule
  2. In a Dead Sweat: 6 - 10 books: For those who may still be limited on time, but want to challenge themselves a bit. 
  3. The Scorching Dead: 11 - 15 books: A challenge for the avid reader!
  4. Crispy When Dead: 16 + books: The monster challenge for those who read around 100 books a year. To all ye who attempt this, I salute you! Death's devotees. 
Participation Guidelines
  • Books must be read during the challenge time frame. If you sign up after the challenge begins, any related books read from June 1st to August 31st count towards your final tally.
  • Books read for this challenge may crossover to or from other challenges.
  • Audio, print copy, and ebook formats are all acceptable.
  • You may increase your level at any point if you meet your goal early.
  • You must have somewhere you can update us on your progress! Bloggers make sure to do at least a monthly update on how many and which books you have read for the challenge and leave a comment on our own monthly progress post with the link to yours. Non-bloggers, update us using Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, or any other site that allows you to track books and/or post updates. Make sure you include a direct link to this page in the linky below. 
  • If you are tracking through Facebook, make sure to like the Wickedly Bookish Fanpage and tag us in each of your updates so we get them!
  • If you are tracking through Goodreads, make sure to friend Wickedly Bookish so we can see your current reads and updates!
Suggestions to Get You Started

Sure zombies and vamps are the obvious choice here, but part of this challenge is to open up your mind to the many unique and creative ways death is incorporated in today's popular fiction. Here are some examples to get your brain juices flowing!
Hopefully that helped! Don't be afraid to be creative. As you can see from the above suggestions, you absolutely do not have to stick to traditional genres or creatures. :-)

Sign Up
Make sure to grab the button. You will need to add this to the sidebar of your blog (if you have one) and include it in each of your update posts. Make sure to add your name to the Linky along with the URL of your initial Dead Hot Summer post. Make sure you state which level you are going for and any books you may have in mind to read!

Note: I am working on adjusting the size of the button but having technical difficulties at the moment. You can always resize within your side by in Blogger by switching over to Rich Text in the html gadget and using the handle bars on the edges of the picture to resize. I do intend to fix this problem though so please bear with me. 

Sign up here with your name and the URL of your initial post or the site where we can find your updates. 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

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