By Patricia Briggs
Series: Mercy Thompson #4
320 Pages
E book
Published February 3rd, 2009
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Monster Focus: Werewolves, Vampires, Fae, Ghost
I am just tearring through this series! Mercy's stories are always engaging and packing some series punch. The supporting characters are great and the plot always promises something new and exciting. This installment of the series picks up immediately after the last book. As in the moment the last book closed upon. Instead of giving Mercy a month or a week to settle, like the previous books have done, we jump back in right where we left off and for good reason! Mercy, in trouble once again must avoid the angry vampire Queen Marsilla who has realized Mercy is the one who killed Andre, her left hand vampire. Alos the emergence of one of Mercy's college friend's Amber. Does she sincerelly want Mercy's help, or does she have more sinister intentions?
Mercy just keeps getting better. Seeing as I am reading straight through this series, I had expected to get tired of the same world by now. Usually a series is good when spaced between some other books as pallet cleansers. However, with only one more book to go, I have to say I am enjoying this series thoroughly.This fourth installment of the Mercedes Thompson series, in my opinion, is the best so far. Briggs' technique of book by book integration of her world's creatures is genius. Vampire, werewolf, fae, and now ghost all come together in this satisfying triumph of a book. It may not be one of the top selling books to span the genres, but it definitely sets itself apart from all the other paranormal romance and urban fantasy titles out there with its action, romance, and chills.
One thing that really sticks out to me about this series is that the sexual content is pretty mild, which is not really a bad thing. I admit i like a little smut in my paranormal romance, however Briggs tends to keep things light with just enough sizzle to keep you satisfied. In my opinion this keeps her relationship with pack Alpha Adam that much more sweet and pure. It's a plus that this series doesn't rely on sexual content like many others in its genre do. The story stands strong on its own.